Oral surgery
The most common intervention is tooth extraction. Usually painful, moving, extremely damaged teeth have to be removed. Prior to any intervention, the patient will be informed in detail on the course of the intervention, chances of recovery and possible complications, and is supposed to sign a declaration of agreement. After local anaesthesia, the gums will be loosened and the tooth removed by a suitable forceps.
After suitable treatment (disinfection), the wound will be closed by a swab, until satisfactory blood clotting. The patient shall receive adequate advice. Healing of the place of removed teeth takes at least one week, sometimes even more. In many cases damaged teeth can be saved by suitable root treatment; the surgeon shall take appropriate decision.
If the tooth cannot be caught by forceps, the root has to be removed by levers or by bone drilling. In difficult cases the wound will have to be closed by suture.
In special but not infrequent cases remained, healthy teeth have to be removed. Problems are usually caused by third molars (wisdom teeth) pressing on the other teeth, causing infections.
Tooth removal is further complicated by teeth hidden under gums, or otherwise situated in places difficult to be accessed. In such cases gums have to be loosened by cuts, bone drilling will be needed to ensure proper access. All damaged tissues shall be sutured to finish the intervention.